
If your project is approved, you will receive a set-up email containing all documentation and information needed to fully set up your project for fiscal sponsorship. 

Documents will include:

Grant Agreement
This is the formal agreement between the Utah Film Center and your company/project.

Points of Contact
Only folks listed on this document can ask about or request funds. Make sure to include yourself on this document.

W9 or W8 (international projects)

Banking information form
This document lists the bank account information that we will send funds to as they arrive. This document will be checked against future grant requests.

Grant Request
Required for every Utah Film Center → Your company transaction. Lists the name of the donor, amount being sent, account details, date, and signature. 

Utah Film Center Banking Information form
This is the document that filmmakers share with donors. It has wiring instructions, check details, and stock information (donors have to directly ask for account number). 

A project needs to return POC, W9, and a signed grant agreement to be fully set up.

After all documents have been returned, your project is fully set up and ready to receive donations.