Fiscal Sponsorship Program Details

What is fiscal sponsorship?

Fiscal sponsorship is a fundraising tool, an alternative to establishing your own 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. It broadens your opportunities of pursuing funding for your non-commercial film project by allowing your project to apply for funding from organizations that require non-profit status.

How would fiscal sponsorship benefit me?

Fiscal sponsorship allows you to apply to some organizations that require nonprofit status. 

What does my application need?

Please see our application and application checklist.

How long does it take for my application to be reviewed?

We give the review committee one week to review applications but usually hear back within a few days.

Can I make money on my project?

Absolutely- receiving funds through fiscal sponsorship does not disqualify you from pursuing or obtaining funding from other sources.

Can I utilize other sources of funding?

Yes- fiscal sponsorship can be used as the only source of funding for a project or along with other sources of funding.

Who owns the rights and assumes responsibility for my project?

The Utah Film Center will not infringe creatively on your project, nor do we assume any ownership rights. You assume all responsibility and liability arising from or relating to the use, sale or other disposition of your project. 

Once I am set up, how long will it take to receive funds?

After the paperwork is complete (grant agreement, points of contact document, banking info, w9) the Utah Film Center may start collecting donations. We send wires every Tuesday and Thursday and cut physical checks every Friday. We require a completed grant request to send funds.

What are the fees?

The fiscal sponsorship fee is 6%. Local Utah Artists and Artist Foundry members might be eligible for a discount. 

Why are there fees?

Fees from fiscal sponsorship go towards the administrative costs of the program and also support other programming at the Utah Film Center including Artist Foundry, Tumbleweeds Film Festival for Kids, Utah Queer Film Festival, and programming series including Through the Lens and Black, Bold, and Brilliant.

Does the Utah Film Center give money to fiscally sponsored projects?

The Utah Film Center does not provide funds or solicit donations for any fiscally sponsored projects.

Do I or my project have to be connected to Utah to qualify for fiscal sponsorship?

No, we fiscally sponsor projects all over the world. We encourage artists from anywhere, filming anywhere to apply. If you are a Utah resident, check out the Artist Foundry for additional types of support.

Does the Utah Film Center fiscally sponsor anything other than films?

Yes! We are the fiscal sponsors for many different projects. Please reach out to fiscal_sponsorship@utahfilmcenter.org for more information.

Is there a deadline to apply?

We accept applications on a rolling basis. You may submit your application for review at any time. 

I’m a returning artist, what does that mean?

Each individual project must be approved by the review committee. Returning artists do not need to pay the $50 application fee.

Will it affect my taxes?

We will issue a 1099 tax form for the full amount to your production company. You are responsible for reporting your own income, expenses, deductions, etc. The Utah Film Center does not offer any accounting service for your tax returns.

Does the Utah Film Center help me raise money for my project?

The Utah Film Center does not solicit donations for any fiscally sponsored projects.

I want to apply for a grant, what do I do?

Please notify the Utah Film Center whenever you mean to apply for a grant so that we may ensure there are no conflicts.

What about NEA and NEH grants?

You and your team will be responsible for the content of the application and whatever project specific documentation or content is required. We will provide any organization specific material for the application. We will require all materials to be complete at least one month prior to the due date to ensure that we have enough time to review and submit. Please reach out to fiscal_sponsorship@utahfilmcenter.org with more questions.

How can folks donate to my project?

Donors can donate by wire, check, stock transfer, or credit card. Please be aware that credit card donations are subject to an additional 5% processing fee.