Application Guide for Fiscal Sponsorship

Fiscal sponsorship applications submitted to Utah Film Center require the following information:

Logline – Provide a brief, catchy summary of your story.

Synopsis – Give an overview of your story. Describe the anticipated story structure and narrative trajectory, or potential character arcs for your project.

Topic Summary – Explain the cultural or social relevance and context for the topic, and why this project is timely or urgent.

Artistic Approach – How are you going to tell this story?

Production Timeline – Explain the current status of the project.

Distribution and Marketing Strategy – Characterize the intended distribution life for your film.

Intended Audience – Describe the anticipated audience for your project, including any underserved audiences.

Audience Engagement and Social Impact – What actions do you hope for viewers to take after seeing your film?

Bios of Key Creative Personnel – Provide brief biographies of each key creative team member; include information about relevant expertise and the individual’s role in the project.

Fundraising Strategy – Describe the strategy for raising the additional funds necessary to complete the project.

Funding to Date – Provide a list of all sources and amounts raised to date.

Comprehensive Line Item Expense Budget – Please provide a breakdown of your project’s projected expenses, from development through release, in U.S. dollars, including a budget total.

Work Sample Link – Optional

Narrative Projects– Narrative films should also submit a shooting script (no more than 20 pages) to

Application fee- $50- This can be paid online at the end of the application. Returning filmmakers do not need to pay the application fee.