Ready to make your next film?

Tell your story to the world with Fiscal Sponsorship

Join the international community of independent filmmakers and creators fiscally supported through Utah Film Center.

How do you raise money for your independent film?

We know that funding can be a challenge for independent filmmakers. Traditional options include self funding projects or seeking funding via equity. But one of the most impactful sources of funding is to leverage tax-deductible donations from individuals, corporations, and organizations to support an independent film project.

Equity Partnerships
Self Funding
Tax-Deductible Donations & Fiscal Sponsorship

Award-winning producer Geralyn Dreyfous started the Fiscal Sponsorship program at Utah Film Center in 2008 because she recognized the need and benefit of facilitating donations for these independent film projects. It enabled more stories to be told and more connection for donors to contribute through a trusted and experienced partner.

Leveraging tax-deductible donations for your film

To tap into the valuable funding source of tax-deductible donations, you could spend money and creative energy setting up your own 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization – a difficult and time-consuming process.

Or, you could utilize Utah Film Center’s Fiscal Sponsorship program and quickly unlock tax benefits for your project’s donations. Set up a new major source of funding for your project with much less time and effort, so you can stay focused on making your film.

How to get started with fiscal sponsorship for your film


You or your film team completes a simple application.


Utah Film Center fiscal sponsorship committee reviews and approves the project (typically within two weeks).


Your film team completes the fiscal sponsorship onboarding documents.


Your film project starts taking advantage of this powerful fundraising tool by processing donations through the fiscal sponsorship program.

All donations made to the Utah Film Center are 100% tax-deductible, and filmmaker recipients are awarded the net amount of these donations after program fees. [Sliding rates apply].


Since 2008, Utah Film Center has processed more than $95 million in donations for fiscally sponsored projects.

Utah Film Center Fiscal Sponsorship includes:


Other programs send donations to projects once a month or once a quarter – the Utah Film Center has multiple wire-out days a week and sends checks weekly.


Our fiscal sponsorship fee is competitive (and quite often lower) than other leading fiscal sponsors. The fiscal sponsorship fees support Media Education, Film Exhibition, and Artist Support programs at the Utah Film Center. 


We assist filmmakers applying for grants and provide guidance. Films will be notified when donations arrive and funding will be turned around as fast as possible.


The Fiscal Sponsorship team at the Utah Film Center has over 16 years of experience helping filmmakers and donors alike put their stories on the screen. 

Utah Film Center has fiscally sponsored over 300 independent productions and multiple Academy Award® winning films.

Will my project qualify for fiscal sponsorship?

We encourage any level filmmaker to apply for fiscal sponsorship — from emerging filmmakers to established professionals. There are no budget restrictions for the level of projects that we fiscally sponsor. Neither films nor film teams need to be located in Utah to apply and receive fiscal sponsorship.

Approved projects range from documentaries, narrative films, short films, episodics, and more. Any type of film project is encouraged to apply. We also have experience with fiscally sponsoring other artistic endeavors related to film.

More questions?

Check out our list of frequently asked questions. If your question is not answered on that page, please reach out to with any questions.

If you are not sure about needing fiscal sponsorship at the moment but would like to be notified about Utah Film Center events, sign up for our newsletter or learn more about the Artist Foundry.

Ready to apply?

A link to our application can be found here, and what is required in each application can be found here.